You Better Get PROOF on This One! (Tuesday’s Trade Plan)

Welcome back to the party!
Markets are range-bound going into Tuesday’s trading session, so the plan is pretty simple – buying low and selling high with failure setups…
And don’t forget the breakouts, because I have some great opportunities on my radar – but whenever you see ranges like these, you better wait for proof!
Proof? Yep – I’ll show you 4 breakouts patterns I’m watching for Tuesday…
Short week with the Holiday on Thursday, so let’s make it count!
E-Mini S&P (ES):

E-Mini Keys to Success:
- We’re bearish into a range on the Emini – sellers will be looking for shorts off resistance levels above the range, along with breakouts going lower.
E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

Nasdaq Keys to Success:
- Nasdaq is sideways inside a range so the plan is to buy low, sell high with failures and watch for breakouts.
Crude Oil Futures (CL):

Crude Oil Keys to Success:
- Crude Oil is bearish into a range – sellers will be looking for shorts off resistance levels above the range, and breakouts going lower.