Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

October 28, 2011

Traders look for Consumer Sentiment to finish up an exciting week

————————————————————————————— The James’ Report:  Professional Resources for Professional Traders ————————————————————————————— – dollar index trading in the bear price channel lows, and we use our trigger zone to tell us where this dollar index is likely to move this morning.  Expect the dollar index to rise off these lows up into the zone above us at […]

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October 27, 2011

Traders expecting optimistic GDP and Praying for better Jobless Claims data to get this market moving early

————————————————————————————— The James’ Report:  Professional Resources for Professional Traders ————————————————————————————— – dollar index trading lower outside the range from Thursday, so we know this is a bearish market at this time.  Bearish dollar index means bullish markets everywhere else so we buy pullbacks as the dollar index rises.  Our hopes are that the dollar index […]

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October 26, 2011

Pivot Levels vs. Auto Levels Indicator

Trading w/ Pivots –          Pivot is a technical level of support and resistance –          Pivots are calculated many different ways, but the most common is using the Open, High, Low, and Close, and then using a mathematical formula to draw ‘pivot points’ on your charts. o   This calculation is similar to how a Fibonacci calculation […]

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