Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

February 21, 2012

The E-Mini-Russell day trading strategy

Our day trading strategy for the E-Mini-Russell uses the slower 89 range chart to locate the major AB=CD reversal-zone over head which is major resistance and we can see the sideways ranges that have developed at these highs. We are trading off the AB=CD reversal-zone resistance, below the range from Monday, and headed to the […]

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February 21, 2012

Gold futures day trading strategy

Gold futures day trading strategy uses the long term bear price channel as the higher percentage trading opportunities this morning.  The price wedge tells me to expect fake-out breakouts and the bear price channel tells me that selling as price rises is the best way to trade this morning on gold futures. We calculated the […]

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February 21, 2012

Euro day trading strategy

The euro day trading strategy accounts for price trading at the price wedge highs and the highs from Monday’s trading range.  We want to sell these highs first and then if the buyers are strong enough we will be pullbacks with new higher-highs So the most important aspects to this day trading strategy will be […]

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February 21, 2012

Crude oil day trading strategy

Our day trading strategy for crude oil this morning takes into account the fear of lost supply from Iran over the weekend and the short term reaction is for price to rise.  We are looking for the buyers to fail and to sell these highs once we break below the PLOD and the key levels […]

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February 21, 2012

Dollar index day trading strategy

We begin our day with the dollar index day trading strategy which will give us clues for market personality and overall direction today.  We know there is a negative dollar index correlation and we use that to make educated decisions in our day trading strategy. We begin with the 89range chart, which shows us the […]

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February 21, 2012

Day Trading Strategies for Dollar Index , Euro, Crude, Russell and Gold futures

————————————————————————————— The James’ Report:  Day Trading Strategies for Professional Traders ————————————————————————————— Does time pass quickly when you’re trading?  Do you find yourself ‘in the zone’ when you’re watching price action?  Professional traders understand that when you become ‘one’ with the markets you are trading that you begin to breathe with every tick, you visualize where […]

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