Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

April 19, 2012

2 Trades for 2 Winners +125 ticks

We took 2 winning trades this morning; 1 Crude Oil and 1 E-Mini-Russell.  Both of these trades buying the lows of the range after we successfully anticipated the dollar index falling off the highs at 800am.  This was a perfect example of executing our plan we designed at 730am EST this morning in our live […]

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April 19, 2012

Euro day trading strategy

the euro continues to trade in a sideways and narrow price range this morning, and our day trading strategy remains the same anytime we see this occur.  We need to avoid the middle around 1.3100 and look for rising prices to sell the highs or falling prices so we can buy the lows. The hardest […]

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April 19, 2012

Crude Oil day trading strategy

We can see Crude Oil futures trading in a strong bear price channel with a short term bull price channel running up the middle.  We will buy the lows/support of the bull price channel as the high-percentage trades and sell the highs/resistance of the bear price channel as a high-percentage trade as well.  We can […]

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April 19, 2012

Traders prep for Jobless Claims, Philly Fed Survey, as G20 Summit Begins

————————————————————————————— The James’ Report:  Day Trading Strategies for Professional Traders ————————————————————————————— Professional traders understand that every step in the learning process is important, and we must accomplish each step as we develop from beginner to professional.  If we do not learn the basics first, then apply those basics to advanced techniques we will never achieve the long term […]

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April 18, 2012

Wacky Wednesday day trading strategy earns 120 ticks

  =================================================================== Click here to Review what MEMBERS are saying about =================================================================== This morning we traded ‘Wacky’ Wednesday of Options Expiration Week for over 120 ticks of profit in yet another day of successful trading in our live trade room.  We began the day with 3 clues from the news, dollar index, and some of our […]

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April 18, 2012

Euro day trading strategy

The euro is trading sloppy and lacking any consistency this morning as it trades below the range from Tuesday.  We have an outside day below the PLOD so we’re looking to sell retracements with new lower-lows.  If price cannot drop lower on the euro we then will buy above the PLOD when the sellers fail, […]

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