Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

April 30, 2012

Day Traders Prep for Personal Income & Manufacturing Data

————————————————————————————— The James’ Report:  Day Trading Strategies for Professional Traders ————————————————————————————— Actions without Expectations is the true path to day trading success.  Like the farmer who plants his seeds in the spring and harvests in the fall;  the farmer expects to see a good crop, however, he does not know when or how large the crop will […]

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April 27, 2012

Dollar index correlation helps gold & buyers fail for +150 ticks on E-Mini-Russell

  =================================================================== Click here to Review what MEMBERS are saying about =================================================================== This morning we finished up another incredible week of trading with over 150 ticks of profit in a very exciting session in our live trade room.  We began the day at 730am EST with some big clues to work with from the news, the […]

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April 27, 2012

Traders Prep for GDP and Consumer Sentiment on Friday

————————————————————————————— The James’ Report:  Day Trading Strategies for Professional Traders ————————————————————————————— Professional day traders understand the importance of keeping their original purpose in mind as they work hard every day to achieve their goals.  Life is full of frustrations, speed-bumps, and obstacles along the way to any goal in this life, which is why it’s vital to […]

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Day trading strategy for low-volume markets earns +85 ticks

 =================================================================== Click here to Review what MEMBERS are saying about =================================================================== This morning we had another profitable day of live trading with our members and guests, using a few simple clues from the markets to help us formulate a trading plan that earned us over 85 ticks of profit on only 8 trades in the US […]

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April 26, 2012

Dollar index day trading strategy

This morning the dollar index heat map says 0.0% at 800am EST so we know this tells us that most of the market personality will be sloppy and narrow-range until this gets above 0.2%.  We can also assume that the rest of the markets will also be sloppy and sluggish when the dollar index is […]

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April 26, 2012

Day Traders Prepare for Jobless Claims Post-FOMC Day

————————————————————————————— The James’ Report:  Day Trading Strategies for Professional Traders ————————————————————————————— Professional traders achieve success when they understand the basic principle of reflection.  We are a mirror’s reflection of what we give to the world around us.  We get what we put out, and if we put out joy we get joy.  If we put out anger, […]

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