Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Tape Reading earns +180 ticks profit trading Gold & E-Mini-Russell futures

  =================================================================== Click here to Review what MEMBERS are saying about ===================================================================  This morning we had ANOTHER big day of winning trades in our live trade room on the E-Mini-Russell and Gold futures using the previous highs and lows along with tape reading to help us earn +180 ticks of profit on only 8 total trades. […]

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Market Personality is Different for Every Futures Market

Crude Oil: –        Fade-the-breakouts –        Look for Fake-out breakout –        Sell at the highs and buy at the lows –        Sell when price makes a new higher-highs –        Buy when price makes a new lower-lows –        FEAR and PERCEPTION of Supply & Demand E-Mini-Russell: –        Notorious for Low Volume moves –        Ignores the usual support […]

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Day trading strategy dollar index

The dollar index trades in the middle of the 89-range chart, which tells me this should be a sloppy area.  Anytime I’m in the middle of any range, especially on the 89-range chart for the dollar index I need beware. The 21-range chart, a much faster timeframe will show us the short term levels of […]

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Traders Prep for Factory Orders & Crude Oil Inventories

————————————————————————————— The James’ Report:  Day Trading Strategies for Professional Traders ————————————————————————————— The most successful day traders have a true desire for knowledge of why the markets move the way they do.  As traders we need to seek experience from live candlesticks, wisdom from our losses, and encouragement from our wins.  Professional traders understand that every day is […]

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Day trading strategy using Previous Highs and Previous Lows for +225 ticks Profit

 =================================================================== Click here to Review what MEMBERS are saying about =================================================================== This morning we began our trading session in the live trade room with some easy clues from our favorite markets, and we used these clues to earn over 225 ticks of profit in a very exciting session with our members and trial-guests. The day began […]

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Markets Flat as Traders Prepare for Manufacturing Data, Construction Spending

————————————————————————————— The James’ Report:  Day Trading Strategies for Professional Traders ————————————————————————————— Professional traders have learned there is no such thing as the ‘magic indicator’ or any get-rich-quick in day trading over the long term.  Professional traders most importantly understand that their trading success relies on the execution of small, methodical tasks each day to accomplish the long […]

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