The dollar index trading inside the range from Monday, and clearly lacking any long term direction right now as the volatility index has been very low and we can easily see sloppy price action on the faster timeframes. The 55-range chart shows us moving higher this morning just below the PHOD so we know we […]
Continue readingProfessional traders have successfully mastered the ability to ‘go with the flow’ in everything they do. In the markets, we must try to embrace the volatility and sometimes-chaotic price action, rather than be afraid of it. We don’t run from challenges, we understand them and capitalize from them. In our personal lives the same is […]
Continue reading=================================================================== Click here to Review what MEMBERS are saying about =================================================================== This morning was the start of another exciting week with our members in the live trade room! We began the day with some big clues from market personality and the ‘lack’ of major news to help us plan our trades ahead of time today for […]
Continue readingIs the UK better off now that the elections have passed? Is the Eurozone better off? What about the recovery across the Globe? Don’t forget to share your feedback by posting a comment below today’s video!
Continue readingThe dollar index has been trading lower this morning after making a new swing-high overnight and then dropping back down off those highs. This morning our heat map is telling is to look for a rising dollar index, which doesn’t match what we’re seeing on the chart. This leads us to believe that either the […]
Continue readingProfessional traders understand their success is the byproduct of all the little things they do every day. We can’t deny that when we are prepared for each trading day we do far better than if we are unprepared, and our morning routine is designed to do all those little things each morning to prepare us for […]
Continue reading=================================================================== Click here to Review what MEMBERS are saying about =================================================================== This morning was another great example of how a simple trading plan can produce remarkable results in your trade account. We began the trading session this morning at 730am EST with a simple morning prep that successfully indentified key levels of support and resistance along […]
Continue readingWe got the day started this morning with news from the ECB and Jobless Claims. The ECB Press conference got the markets moving this morning and when the Euro failed to break below the PLOD we bought the sellers failure for a +5/+10/+25 on the Euro. A great way to start our day in the trade room!
Continue readingDollar index heat map this morning shows us a +0.1% so the dollar index isn’t moving very quickly at 800am EST however we know this rising dollar index will give us selling opportunities if it keeps moving higher. We want to see greater than 0.2% for the volatility in order to have the best trading […]
Continue readingProfessional traders have a very unique personality; we are driven to succeed, and we don’t let anything stand in our way. We run our own businesses and we have strict rules to operate by. Its no wonder why we can acquire all the materials things we want in life. Beware, this hard-working mindset can sometimes […]
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