Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

May 17, 2012

The Dangers of High-Speed Trading

CLICK TO WATCH High-Speed Trading has been on the front pages of the newspapers for more than a year now and we still don’t know WHY everyone is so scared?   All you need is a millisecond to move the markets, but you’ll be surprised for the reasons WHY they use these systems so aggressively. Don’t […]

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May 17, 2012

Dollar index day trading strategy

The dollar index has been pushing higher over the past few days after fears in Europe continued over the weekend.  Now this morning we find the dollar index trading at the range highs once again, and we’re looking at three possible scenarios today.  First, the dollar index may be strong enough to push to new […]

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May 17, 2012

Traders Prep for Early-Morning Economic News; Jobless Claims & Philly Fed

Professional Traders have mastered the skill of ‘keeping an even keel’.  Traders feel tremendous joy and happiness after winning trades, and extreme sadness and isolation after they lose money.  This emotional roller-coaster is something that many new traders have experienced, and something that is challenging to avoid.  The secret to every trader’s success with their emotions is understanding the big-picture […]

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May 16, 2012

Dollar index day trading strategy

The dollar index pushed to new higher-highs on Tuesday afternoon, breaking the bullish AB=CD when it broke above 81.165 and then went almost all the way to the highs of the short term range we can see defined on this 89-range chart of the dollar index.  Now that the dollar index is trading at the […]

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May 15, 2012

Fade-the-news trading strategy earns +250ticks

  Joe’s Trades for Tuesday This morning was another incredible day of live trading with our members and trial-guests on a Tuesday morning that was filled with action from the very first moment we got started.  We used clues today from economic news, Crude Oil market personality, a simple price wedge on the E-Mini-E-Mini-Russell, and […]

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