Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

May 24, 2012

Hedge Fund Webinar TODAY 430pm EST

Our Hedge Fund is the Future of Asset-Management and we’re excited to show you how we are changing the industry every day!  This weekly educational webinar series will discuss the many opportunities that are available to managed account clients, hedge fund managers and accredited investors.  We will have basic information provided, along with current industry-related news, […]

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May 24, 2012

Day trading strategy dollar index futures

We can see the 144-range chart showing us double-bottom resistance overhead at the highs of this recent trading range.  Being at the highs and at major resistance we assume this price will stall as it tries to keep rising.  If the dollar index moves higher, we’re selling retracements, and if the dollar index moves lower […]

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May 24, 2012

Bad News from Europe, Durable Goods Orders & Jobless Claims Prep ahead of Holiday Weekend US

Professional traders seem to get lucky when they trade, and we understand that this luck is a byproduct of our trading strategy.  Professional traders appreciate that simplicity is sophistication, and when we keep things simple we are prepared for every trading day, and things tend to line up perfectly for us more often.  When we over-complicate our […]

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May 22, 2012

Day trading strategy for dollar index

The dollar index is rising higher this morning, giving us a +0.2% reading on the heat map.  We open the 89-range chart and we see an inside day, price wedge highs just overhead, the recent wave pattern and trigger-line support below us, and we can see that the current candlestick wick is telling us that […]

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May 22, 2012

Traders prep for Manufacturing News

Professional traders appreciate the value of live price action when they are learning, it can never be replaced by reading books or post-market review.  Too many new traders fall victim to the idea that hindsight and back-testing can be used in replace for watching the real-time price action as it develops, and it cannot.  While you’re watching […]

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