Woah, what a bloodbath today!

Everyone’s confused after markets sold-off after such a bullish CPI Report today…

But don’t worry – charts look beautiful tonight, and this Range Reversal could be our easiest win of the week!

Markets made a strong move down into a trading-range today…

Put those 2 clues together – strong move, range – and it’s easy to see why this range reversal might be biggest win of the week!

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is bearish into a range after a big move lower, telling us to trade this range rotation – buying low, selling higher, fade the breakouts.

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq is bearish into a range in an overall bull market so I’ll be looking to short bull traps off the highs, and buy bear traps off the lows, trading the rotation back and forth.


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