This *PPI SQUEEZE* Could Earn MONSTER PROFITS on Tuesday!

Weekend’s Over, It’s MONEY Time!
Markets are range-bound going into PPI & Powell tomorrow morning…
And I see 3 reasons why this PPI Squeeze might be one of our easiest winners of the week!
I always get excited when I see ranges on the charts because the strategy is so easy the following day…
The key is waiting for a breakout, then use one of these Trap Patterns to time the entry. Let me show you how!
E-Mini S&P (ES):

- Emini is bullish and buyers will be looking for bear traps down load last Friday’s trading-range tomorrow morning.
E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

- Nasdaq is bullish into a range, telling us buyers will be looking for bear traps below the lows, or breakout pullbacks above the highs.