Woah, these markets have been wild!
Everyone’s waiting for the perfect pullback after today’s massive run higher…
Finding the pullback is pretty easy, but the BIG MONEY will likely made by those who can pick the top on the way down – are you ready? Let’s go!
Emini and Nasdaq are bullish after a strong move higher – I know exactly where I want the pullback, and I’ll be watching for THIS SIGNAL on the short!
Crude Oil is bullish, setting up for a breakout-pullback – all we need is the signal, so keep these (2) patterns on your radar!
E-Mini S&P (ES):

Emini is bullish with a strong move higher, telling us that buyers will be looking for pullback entries off support levels below we reach the objective overhead.
E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

Nasdaq is bullish with a large move higher today, suggesting that a range will develop tomorrow, giving buyers a chance to buy support levels below it.
Crude Oil Futures (CL):

Crude Oil is bullish and buyers will be looking for the breakout-pullback they’ve been waiting for since yesterday. All they need is a Seller failure pattern so they buy into stops!