This ONE TRADE Could Make Your Entire WEEK After Today’s Reversal!

Wow, Huge Reversal Today! …Now What??
Today’s reversal is great news for both sides of the market because it tells us EXACTLY what to look for on Friday…
This ONE SETUP might be all we need – don’t miss it!
Emini is bullish and just pulled back to support below the 60minute range, so I’ll be looking for bear traps off support levels tomorrow…
Nasdaq is more challenging because BOTH sides can trade this – the key is focusing on TRAPS – let me show you!
E-Mini S&P (ES):

Emini is bearish with a strong breakout lower, telling us that sellers will be trying to sell retracements to retest that low tomorrow morning.
We’re still overall bullish, so don’t count the buyers out – they’ll be looking for more bear traps every time price goes lower.
E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

Nasdaq made a big move lower today, telling us to expect a 2-leg correction and a retest of the low tomorrow morning.
Sellers will look to short that 2-leg correction while buyers look for ways to buy bear traps along the way.