This *DOUBLE-BOTTOM* Bear Trap Could Be Our BIGGEST WIN of the Week!

Fantastic trading today, let’s keep it going!

Markets are range-bound (again) ahead of the PPI Report

And there’s one “hidden” clue on the charts, telling me this Double-Bottom Bear Trap could be one of our biggest wins of the week!

It sounds like most people made money today, awesome!

But let’s not get lazy with our entry rules – keep focused, and don’t miss these trades tomorrow morning!

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is trading sideways in a range, and with a recent strong move lower this morning, I’d love to buy a bear trap off that recent low for a move back up into the range again!

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq is range-bound, so I’ll be looking for ways to buy low, sell high and trade the “rotation” back and forth tomorrow morning!


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