This *BULL TRAP* Could Make Us a FORTUNE on Non-Farm Friday!

Non-Farm Friday… are you ready?

Markets are grinding lower this evening, telling us that Bull Traps are likely where the money’s made tomorrow…

I have (3) Bull Traps on my radar, and if we’re lucky Trade #3 could make our entire week!!

Are you seeing these (3) ranges on the chart today?

Each of these ranges are important, and give us different types of Bull Traps

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is bearish and grinding lower, telling me to short the bounces using bull traps on Friday morning!

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq is bearish, and a recent range breakout tells me to sell breakout pullbacks off the “belly” of that previous trading-range tomorrow morning!


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