June 13, 2024
This *BULL FLAG* Could Make Us a FORTUNE on Friday!

One Day Left – Let’s Finish Strong!
We have a Bull Flag and a Bearish Range on the charts tonight…
Put those 2 clues together and this “Flag Strategy” could make our entire week!
Flag Patterns are easy to trade if you have the right strategy…
Add in a Bearish Range we have plenty of ways to profit on Friday – let’s do this!
E-Mini S&P (ES):

- Emini is bullish overall, but rotating inside a large bull flag, telling us to sell bull traps off the high, and buy seller failures off the lows tomorrow morning.
E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

- Nasdaq is bullish overall, but this recent bear range tells us to expect sellers to rotate lower where more buyers will be waiting to buy the dip to finish the week!