This *BEAR TRAP* Could Trigger a MASSIVE Reversal!

Weekend’s over – let’s make some money!
Markets are bearish, but we’re at the low of a massive range on the 60minute – a horrible place to sell short…
But let’s hope sellers do, because this *Bear Trap* could trigger a massive reversal!
Emini and Nasdaq are bearish after last Friday’s collapse, but we’re back to monthly range lows – the perfect place for a *Bear Trap* reversal!
E-Mini S&P (ES):

Emini is bearish on the 60minute, but bullish into a range on the tick chart, which tells us to look for bear traps as the best entries going higher.
E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

Nasdaq is bullish into a range, so buyers will be looking for ways to complete their pendulum-swing target up overhead.