September 4, 2024

This *BEAR TRAP* Could Make Us a FORTUNE on Thursday!

Wow, charts look beautiful tonight!

We finished today in a range – combine that with the overall direction on the 60min, and this BEAR TRAP could be our biggest win of the week!

There’s a reason why I love range-bound markets…

Ranges act like magnets, they love to rotate, and TRAPS around the “edges” are usually where the biggest money is made…

I have bull traps, and bear traps on my radar for tomorrow – are you seeing these too?

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is bullish overall, but bearish into a range, telling us to look for buying opportunities using Bear Traps below the range tomorrow morning.

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq is bullish into a range, telling us that buyers will be looking to buy bear traps below the range, and breakout-pullbacks above it!


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