November 27, 2023

This *BEAR TRAP* Could Earn MONSTER PROFITS on Tuesday!

Holiday’s over… back to work!

Markets are range-bound going into the end of the month, with a bull bias on the 60min…

Put those 2 clues together, and it’s easy to see why this BEAR TRAP is my favorite trade for Tuesday!

Emini and Nasdaq are both chopped-up in ranges… one of my favorite types of markets!

Ranges love to rotate from high to low – combine that with our 60min bias and we have the perfect plan for Tuesday!

E-Mini S&P (ES):

Emini is bullish into a range, telling us to look for buying opportunities with bear traps below the range, and breakout-pullbacks above it!

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

Nasdaq is bullish, and buyers are trying to complete their “rotation off low” using bear traps before we retest last week’s high.


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