August 26, 2024

This *BEAR TRAP* Could Be EASY MONEY on Tuesday!

Final week of Summer – let’s do this!

Markets are choppy ahead of major news later this week…

And I see (3) reasons why this Bear Trap might be the easiest money we make all week – don’t miss it!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish on the 60min, and range-bound on the tick charts.

Put those 2 clues together and it’s to see why I’m looking for Bear Traps tomorrow morning – are you seeing these too?

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is bullish into a range, telling us to look for buying opportunities using Bear Traps off support levels below the trading-range.

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq is bearish into a range in an overall bull market so the key is look for ways to buy bear traps after sellers try taking it lower tomorrow morning!


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