March 5, 2024
These *POWELL TRAPS* Could Make Us a FORTUNE Tomorrow!

Oh boy… here we go again!
Jerome Powell speaks tomorrow, and today’s BIG MOVE lower tells us these (2) TRAPS could be a huge payday!
Markets are bullish overall, with a big move lower…
Combine that with J-POW’s testimony tomorrow and I’ll be looking for Traps, Traps, and more Traps!
E-Mini S&P (ES):

- Emini made a big move down in an overall bull market, telling us to look for bull traps to short back to the low, then buy double-bottom reversals.
E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

- Nasdaq is bullish overall, but today’s big move lower tell us that sellers will be trying to retest today’s low, before buyers look for a double-bottom reversal!