These BULL TRAPS Could Be an EASY 10X on Non-Farm Payrolls!

Woah, what a day! But we’re not done!
Tomorrow’s Non-Farm Payrolls, and the big moves we saw this afternoon just gave us even BIGGER opportunities tomorrow…
So buckle-up, grab some notes, and let’s finish the week with more winners!
Emini and Nasdaq are bearish with BIG MOVES down today, telling us that *Bull Traps* are likely where the BIG MONEY will be made tomorrow!
Crude Oil is bearish too, but we need to be careful – the first couple hours tomorrow morning will be crucial… here’s the gameplan!
E-Mini S&P (ES):

Emini is bearish with a big move down this afternoon, telling us that sellers will be patiently waiting for opportunities to “short the bounces” tomorrow after news is released.
Keys to Success:
- Bear Bias, Big Move, Measured Pullback, Support below
- Up: Sell Buyer failures & reversals
- Down: Short Bounces, Buy Double-bottoms
E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

Nasdaq is bearish with a strong move down, telling us that sellers will be looking to short retracements after Non-Farm Payrolls tomorrow morning.
Keys to Success:
- Bear Bias, Big Move, Measured Pullback
- Up: Sell buyer failures & reversals
- Down: Short bounces, buy double-bottoms
Crude Oil Futures (CL):

Crude Oil is bearish with a strong move lower this afternoon and it’s safe to assume that sellers will be looking for ways to short the bounces off channel highs tomorrow morning.
Keys to Success:
- Bear Bias, Range Rotation, Bear Channels
- Up: Sell Bull Traps & Reversals
- Down: Short Breakout-pullbacks