April 1, 2024
These (2) *RANGE TRAPS* Could DOUBLE our PROFITS on Tuesday!!

Holiday’s over… let’s make some money!
Today’s strong move down into a range tells us these (2) RANGE TRAPS might be all we need to make a ton of money on Tuesday!
Ranges love to “rotate” back and forth like a pendulum, which is why I’m looking for TRAPS on both sides of this range!
E-Mini S&P (ES):

- Emini is bearish into a range, telling us to trade the “rotation” tomorrow morning – buy low with bear traps, sell high with bull traps.
E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

- Nasdaq is bearish into a range, telling us that sellers will be looking to short bull traps above it, while buyers look for ways to get long using bear traps below it!