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SchoolofTrade Market Commentary 9-18-09

Market Content September 18, 2009
Well another profitable week for the School of trade has come and gone! Today we noticed decent volume, especially for a Friday afternoon, and were able to take some great trades! Today’s trade totals equaled 2 for 2 with $440 in profit. Not a bad way to end our week at all!!
Our first trade set-up after the 10:00am EST hour and with the crude oil market staying within a dollar range of $72 – $73, we were very selective in picking our trades today, especially after having a solid week of profits. Before our first trade of the morning, we saw that the Crude Oil price action was making a rally towards its highs, and decided to take a trend following trade, with the new Breaker set-up to the long side. At 10:32am EST we entered the Crude Oil (Symbol CL) with a Breaker long after price had pulled back, giving us a great entry with a basis of 72.20. With the speed of the tape in our favor and momentum starting to curl in our favor, we were able to lock in profits at +4 ticks (2 contracts), +6 ticks and our final contract got us an additional +8 ticks for a total of +22 ticks on the trade ($10/tick).