February 6, 2013
- in Uncategorized by schooloftrade
SchoolOfTrade; Day Trading Strategy Morning Prep

“You will open the book. Its pages are
blank. You are going to put words on them yourself. The book is called
“Opportunity” and its first chapter is TODAY.” -Edith L. Pierce
blank. You are going to put words on them yourself. The book is called
“Opportunity” and its first chapter is TODAY.” -Edith L. Pierce
News for the day:
This morning we have no major news
before 9:30am when the markets open here in the US so we will be patient to see
our first few trades of the morning today.
before 9:30am when the markets open here in the US so we will be patient to see
our first few trades of the morning today.
Later in the session we have our only major news of the trading day with
Crude Oil Inventories, which is always an exciting time to be a trader.
Crude Oil Inventories, which is always an exciting time to be a trader.
8:20am EST: Gold
& Currency Futures Open
& Currency Futures Open
8:30am EST: Market
personality Check
personality Check
9:00am EST: Crude
Oil Futures Open
Oil Futures Open
9:30am EST: US
Markets Open
Markets Open
10:30am EST: Crude
Oil Inventories Report 1015
Oil Inventories Report 1015
11:00am EST: On-Going Training & Tech-Support w/ Members
12:00pm EST: Lunch Break