July 29, 2011
Review our Automated Trading System Performance

It’s that time of the week again, let’s see how our auto trader performed this week/month.
Let’s begin with the Euro Futures contract, which earned over $2200 and used only 13 trades to accomplish that profit.
We love how this auto trader does NOT over-trade and you can easily see how your broker will hate that you don’t pay a lot in commissions with this, making it easy to make long term profits.
Now let’s review Crude Oil Futures, earning over $1600 on only 25 trades. That means you only spent $125usd with your broker and earned profit over 1600…and remember…this auto trader did all the work for you!
Next, one of our favorites is Gold Futures, which earned over $1000 using only 16 trades to reach that profit. You spent under $100 with your futures broker to earn over $1000, and it all you have to do is set it up and let it run!
Last, but certainly not the least we have the Mighty E-mini Russell Futures, which earned $750usd with only 10 trades. You spent $50 in commissions to earn $750 and its 100% fully-automated…doesn’t get much easier than that.
Don’t forget…these results are the 100% Fully-Automated…we also have a ‘close’ button with this automated system which allows our clients to use this Auto Trader to ENTER the trades properly, and then you can MANUALLY take PROFIT anywhere you please.
Go back and look…you can EASILY take profit at major S/R levels we mention in our live trade room and easily double/triple these profit results.
Im excited to share this with our Advanced Members, we train everyone from start to finish on how and when to use this great profitable trading tool.
See you Monday for more LIVE Day Trading!