May 18, 2012
- in Uncategorized by schooloftrade
Options Expiration Friday Trading Prep

The James’ Report: Day Trading Strategies for Professional Traders
What happened Overnight:
– Today is OPEX Friday, the last day of the month before Options Expire on Saturday.
– Crude Oil Futures expected Contract Rollover before Monday
– Highly-Anticipate Facebook IPO is expected to set Wall Street Records on Friday
– Moody’s cuts 16 Spanish banks and Santander UK (as expected)
– Moody’s cut 4 Spanish Regions
– Fitch would place all Euro-zone sovereign ratings on Rating Watch Negative (RWN) following the Greek elections should the risk of a Greek exit from the EU seem probable in the near term.
– G8 Summit at Camp David; market seeks guidance
– ECB and EU said to be working on emergency scenarios for Greek euro exit
– Recent Greek Poll shows pro-bailout parties regaining a majority in Parliament
– Spain’s banking sector said to be calling on market regulator for renewed ban on short-selling
– Moody’s cut 4 Spanish Regions
– Fitch would place all Euro-zone sovereign ratings on Rating Watch Negative (RWN) following the Greek elections should the risk of a Greek exit from the EU seem probable in the near term.
– G8 Summit at Camp David; market seeks guidance
– ECB and EU said to be working on emergency scenarios for Greek euro exit
– Recent Greek Poll shows pro-bailout parties regaining a majority in Parliament
– Spain’s banking sector said to be calling on market regulator for renewed ban on short-selling