Category Archives for "Nightly Newsletter"

Are You Seeing This Reversal? (Am I Crazy?)

Are You Seeing This Reversal

Are You Seeing This Reversal? (Am I Crazy?)

Charts are prepped for Wednesday, and I’m seeing lots of clues for a bullish reversal tomorrow morning…

Yes, the markets were bearish into trading-ranges today, but there are a handful of important clues that make it nearly impossible to get short without a strong leg lower for the sellers…

Anytime I see situations like this, I start looking for ways to trap in the sellers so I can get long into their stops.

Am I crazy for trying this? Let me show you where to look…

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How Do I Trade Today’s Breakout? Buy It? Sell It?

Trade This Breakout

We’re back in the action again, and we have a busy week ahead of us…

With the end of the month, big news on the schedule, and a handful of rather convincing breakouts on the charts today, tomorrow should be an excellent day in the markets…

But here’s the question – what’s the best way to trade these breakouts?

The Emini and Nasdaq both got bull breakouts, while Gold got a bear breakout. Do we buy these? Sell them? What’s the best entry pattern?

Not to worry, I’m going to cover all my favorite breakout setups in tonight’s video…

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Can Buyers Finish This Reversal? (Friday’s Plan)

Can Buyers Finish This Reversal?

Charts are prepped for Friday, and with momentum turning bullish off today’s lows, it looks like buyers have a great opportunity to run these markets higher on Friday morning…

The Emini is racing higher after a 123-Reversal, Nasdaq is turning off today’s lows, and Gold is sitting at the perfect place to get long below this week’s range.

Where’s the best place to get long on Friday? I’ll give you all the details in tonight’s video. Don’t buy any pullbacks until you watch this newsletter…

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3 Ways to Get Short on Thursday!

3 Ways to Get Short on Thursday

Markets are all bearish going into Thursday’s trading session…

Emini is down, Nasdaq is down, and Gold is trying to push lower…

With all this bearish momentum, I’m looking to get short on Thursday.

But where’s the safest place to enter? And what type of entry trigger should I look for?

I’ve got you covered. In tonight’s video, I’ll show you my favorite locations and entry triggers so you’re ready for the action on Thursday…

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Who Wins the War for Wednesday? (Range Trading)

Who Wins the War for Wednesday? (Range Trading)

Charts are all prepped for Wednesday…

We have a bunch of economic news and a handful of sideways ranges to play with tomorrow morning.

Should be a great trading day, but there’s just one problem; momentum…

Everything is bearish going into the closing bell today, but the ranges are above us on the chart. I want to get long going back into those ranges, but this momentum is really strong for the bears…

So I’m going to stay patient, let sellers get in trouble before I commit to the long side. Here’s a breakdown of what I’m looking for…

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Can Buyers Really Hold This? (3 Ways to Get Short Tues)

Can Buyers Really Hold This? (3 Ways to Short on Tuesday)

We’re back to our desks after the Quad-Witching break last week, and we have a busy week of trading ahead of us as we go into the end of March…

All three of our favorite markets were bullish going into the closing bell this afternoon, but after looking closer at the charts, I find myself wondering…

Can the buyers really hold these highs?

We don’t have many good options to get long right now; we have major resistance overhead, along with gaps and ranges acting like price-magnets below, which tells me to look for failures and reversals to get short on Tuesday…Here’s my plan…

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Should I Trade It, Or Fade It? (Friday’s Plan)

Should I Trade It, Or Fade It?

Are you ready for Friday’s trading session?

With markets exploding higher in the wake of yesterday’s stimulus approval, it’s easy to think this afternoon’s pullback is the perfect time to get long, right?

I thought so too – but after looking closely at the charts, it’s easy to see that buyers have some big challenges ahead of them on Friday…

I keep asking myself – should I trade this pullback? Or should I fade (sell) it instead? I’ll answer that question, and review my favorite trades for Friday in tonight’s video newsletter…

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Stimulus Bill Passes – How Do You Trade It?

Stimulus Bill Passes – How Do You Trade It?

It’s official – they finally passed the latest $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus bill today, which means the markets will have plenty of reasons for some big moves on Thursday…

But here’s the big question – will this turn out to be a “sell the news” event where the market makers run the market lower, just so they can buy the dip on Friday? Or will this market jump higher and take off like a rocket ship to the moon?

It’s anyone’s guess at this point; but no matter what direction, there’s sure to be plenty of opportunity going into Thursday. Here’s how I’ll be trading it…

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Missed Today’s Reversal? What’s Next for Wednesday?

Missed Today's Reversal

Markets reversed and ran higher on strength today with a beautiful 123-Reversal pattern we discussed in last night’s newsletter…

But what if you missed the pullback to that new channel? Where’s the next best trading opportunity setting-up for Wednesday?

With such strong moves today, I’ll be looking for deep pullbacks for the best trading opportunities tomorrow morning. Here’s where I’m looking for entries…

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