Category Archives for "Nightly Newsletter"

This ‘Perfect Pullback’ Could Be BIGGEST Trade of the Week!

Woah, what a move today!!

Markets collapsed and ran lower today, telling us to be ready for (2) key setups on Thursday – one of them might be the best pullback we get all week!

Emini and Nasdaq got crushed today, and we know everyone’s waiting for the next pullback. Where’s the best entry? The answer might surprise you!

Crude Oil is bearish too, and the spike and channel pattern tells us exactly where the “big money” is waiting for tomorrow morning…

Markets can “smell” last week’s lows, this next pullback is going to be crucial – don’t miss it!

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Breakout Alert!! This “Slingshot” Could Easily 10x Tomorrow!

Big day coming tomorrow – you ready?

Everything’s bullish, and the Eminis have a beautiful “slingshot” breakout setting up as I type this!

Crude Oil looks great too – just need to “trap” in the bears for an easy stop-run back to the highs!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish trading right into today’s high – all the momentum points to another leg higher, so don’t miss these entry patterns…

Crude Oil finally got the deep pullback we’ve all been waiting for – next stop is a retest of today’s high, and there’s ONE entry pattern you can’t afford to miss!

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This DT Reversal Could be Biggest Trade of the Week!!

Oh boy, here we go again!

Eminis are range-bound, and Crude Oil’s trending higher – they both have plenty of trades to look for, but my favorite on BOTH are these double-top reversals!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish into ranges – I’m expecting a breakout running lower, but I’m praying we get this double-top reversal first!

Crude Oil is bullish with a strong run higher today – I’m looking for a deep, 2-legged pullback to “buy the dip” then finish the day with a double-top reversal!

With major news tomorrow morning, you don’t wanna miss these!

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(4) Ways to Avoid Traps and Get Paid Friday!!

One more day left, let’s finish strong!!

It’s been a great week, but tonight’s charts aren’t going to make tomorrow’s trading very easy – tons of traps around the edges of these ranges…

Not to worry – this gameplan will keep you out of trouble, so you can do the trapping!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish, but look closely – there’s one big range on this chart with plenty of ways for YOU to do the trapping!!

Crude Oil is bullish, but something doesn’t smell right – be ready for this next pullback because there might be a 10x reversal waiting for you!

Last day of an incredible week – let’s do this!!

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This Bear ‘TRAP’ Could Be Massive on Thursday!

What a day!! You Ready for Tomorrow?

Markets made some strong moves this afternoon, but only one of them is expect to continue – the others might be walking into a massive trap!

Trading’s been great this week, but this ‘trap reversal’ could make our entire week!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish with strong runs lower today, but look closely and you’ll see why this might be nothing more one big trap!

Crude Oil is bullish into a range – I have 3 pullback trades I’m watching, but the breakout might be the easiest winner you find all week!

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This ‘Head Fake’ Reversal is the 10x Trade for Wednesday!

Big day coming tomorrow, you ready?

The markets went easy on us today, but tomorrow’s gonna be harder…

Why? Because we have inflation news and multiple ranges on each chart tonight. That means lots of head fakes and plenty of ways to give back today’s gains…

Don’t get fooled into losses tomorrow, keep these trades on your radar!

Emini and Nasdaq have multiple ranges on the charts tonight, creating one big range for tomorrow. The plan is simple – buy low, sell high, and focus on trapping breakout traders making poor decisions…

Crude Oil is bearish into a range – I’d love to sell the next pullback, but there’s a curveball you need to be aware of. Don’t trade Oil until you watch!

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These (3) Shorts Could Make Your Entire Week!

Woah – Look at the size of that move!

Markets made another big move down today, which means we’re looking to “sell the bounces” tomorrow morning – but which ones are worth trading?

The charts made it easy for us – keep these (3) shorts on your radar because any one of them could make your entire week!

Emini is bearish into a range, and I’d love to short the high of an expanding triangle – I just need to trap in the buyers first!

Nasdaq is bearish and sitting on major support, and I’m watching (2) trap levels for the best entries…

Crude Oil is bearish too – we’re expecting a range overnight, so be ready to fade those breakouts tomorrow!

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This *TRAP* Could Be Huge Non-Farm Payday!!

Non-Farm Payrolls comin’ in HOT!

We ended today’s session in a range, and with tomorrow’s Non-Farm Payroll report, you know there’s gonna be plenty of breakout traders to “trap” on the wrong side…

Keep these setups on your radar, and be ready to run some stops!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish into ranges tonight, and I have (3) areas on the chart where I’ll be looking for the best entries…

Crude Oil is bearish and range-bound too, and there’s an “expanding triangle” that holds the key to the easiest winners on Friday!

We’ve had a killer week, but don’t let up now – finish strong!

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Watch this Pullback! (4) Ways to Get PAID Thursday!

‘Reaction’ Thursday, let’s do this!

FOMC is behind us, and with today’s big spike higher, we know professionals will be eager to buy pullbacks tomorrow…

But pick your spots wisely – these (3) pullbacks (and 1 reversal) are my favorite!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish with big moves higher this afternoon. Pullbacks are certainly on my radar, but don’t forget the double-top reversal!

Crude Oil is bullish into a range – my instincts tell me to get aggressive on this, but the chart tells me there’s a much better entry…

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This 10x Reversal is the BIGGEST Trade for FOMC!

Finally – FOMC is Here!!

Tomorrow is “Fed Day”, which means our window of opportunity will be smaller than usual – but that’s OK, because this 10x reversal is the only trade you’ll need!

Emini and Nasdaq are both bullish into ranges tonight – breakouts are definitely on the menu for tomorrow, but the BIG MONEY’s made on these (3) reversals!

Crude Oil is bearish, and we finished today with one of the biggest “hidden” clues we’ve seen all week – might as well be a neon sign that says “best entry is here!”

We don’t have a lot of time tomorrow, so let’s make these trades count!

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