Category Archives for "Nightly Newsletter"

September 12, 2022

This *CPI SQUEEZE* Could Be Easy Money on Tuesday!!

Back to work, you ready for CPI tomorrow?

I hope so, because tomorrow’s inflation report could be some of the best trading we get all week… especially my favorite, this *CPI Squeeze*!!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish and looking for a breakout higher – I have (3) breakout patterns on my radar, but I hope we get this bear trap instead!

Crude Oil is bullish in a range – I’d love to grab a breakout higher, but this head-fake into short squeeze would be a much better trade!!

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September 8, 2022

This *BULL TRAP BREAKOUT* Could Be Biggest Trade of Week!!

One more day, let’s make it count!!

Markets are range-bound ahead of major news overnight – I’d love to grab a reversal off the high, but my favorite trade is this bull trap breakout!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish into a range – I’m definitely open to buying breakouts, but watch closely, because this “bull trap breakout” could be the best trade of the week!

Crude Oil is bearish with price reversing off today’s high – we have major energy news overnight, so I’ll be looking for a breakout – keep this “pop and grind” channel on your radar for the best entries!!

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September 7, 2022

This *PULLBACK INTO REVERSAL* Could Be an Easy 15x Tomorrow!!

Woah, what a move today!!

Markets made BIG moves on the charts today, telling us that DEEP pullbacks are the key to success tomorrow – but don’t miss the follow-up reversal too!!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish with strong moves higher today, giving us the perfect conditions for a *pullback into reversal* tomorrow!

Crude Oil is bearish with a BIG move down today, giving us (3) different selling opportunities tomorrow morning – can you guess my favorite?

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September 1, 2022

SHORT SQUEEZE!! This 10x Reversal Could Be BIGGEST Trade of Week!!

One day left, let’s make it count!!

We just got a “short squeeze” into Non-Farm Payrolls, giving us one of my favorite trading opportunities to finish the week – you’ll regret missing this one!!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish after this afternoon’s squeeze – all this momentum for the bulls gives us an easy “one, two, punch” for tomorrow!

Crude Oil is bearish and sitting on major support – the best shorts will come after a deep pullback, and I’m looking for ways to buy it before it gets there!

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August 31, 2022

BREAKOUT!!  This *PANIC* Breakout Could Be HUGE!!

You ready for Thursday – let’s go!!

Markets are bearish and look nervous sitting on today’s lows – watch for this *panic* breakout to be one of the easiest trades of the week!!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish and sitting at weekly lows – I’m open to a crown reversal off the lows, but this PANIC breakout looks like an easier winner!

Crude Oil is bearish with a range above us – I’ll be watching for a breakout lower, but it’s easy to see this ‘fake-out breakout’ could be a better trade!

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August 30, 2022

PULLBACK ALERT!! This *Bull Trap* Could 15x on Wednesday!

Woah – what a move today!!

Sellers came roaring back with BIG MOVES down today, leaving us easy clues to where the best “bull trap” pullbacks are gonna be tomorrow!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish into ranges today, and this “pendulum-swing” pullback could be the east 15x you’ve made all month!!

Crude Oil is bearish with a BIG move down today – big moves can be tricky, but this “hidden” channel tells us exactly where the best shorts will likely be tomorrow!

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August 29, 2022

These *2 RANGES* Could Be the Secret to EASY MONEY Tuesday!!

Here we go again – back to work!

Last Friday’s big move down turned into TWO RANGES today, and multiple ranges tell us exactly where to find the biggest winners tomorrow – are you ready?

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish with 2 ranges on the chart – ranges act like magnets, and when you combine that BIG MOVE down last Friday, we have an easy plan for profits on Tuesday!

Crude Oil is bullish with a strong move higher today, telling us to look for (3) pullback entries, and a reversal for tomorrow!

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August 25, 2022

TRAP ALERT!! These *Traps* Could Be Easiest Money All Week!!

News day tomorrow – you ready?!

Markets are getting ready for the (2) biggest news events of the week tomorrow morning, which means TRAPS are gonna be the key to our success…

But careful – not all traps are worth trading, these are my favorite!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish, but we’re trading into major resistance, telling us that bull traps might be the best trades of the week!!

Crude Oil is bearish, but did you see that range? This bear trap off the lows, and bull trap off the high gets me excited just thinkin about it!!

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August 23, 2022

This *FAKE OUT BREAKOUT* Could Easily 10x Tomorrow!!

Lots of ranges on the charts tonight – my favorite!

Markets are stuck in ranges right now, and with big moves over the last couple days, this ‘Fake-Out Breakout’ could be the biggest winner of the week!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish into ranges – I’m def looking for shorts above range highs, but this bearish ‘fake-out breakout’ could be a bigger winner!!

Crude Oil is bullish into a range – the SIZE of today’s move (and the range itself) are two easy clues, telling us where to look for entries tomorrow!

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August 22, 2022

PULLBACK ALERT!! These (2) Bull Traps Could Be PERFECT Entry!!

Back to work – big week ahead of us!!

Emini and Nasdaq made BIG MOVES down today, telling us that bull traps will make the perfect entries for Tuesday – these (2) are my favorite!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish with a spike and channel pattern – the key is waiting for the next DEEP pullback so we can trap in some bulls!

Crude Oil is bullish after today’s OPEC surprise – I’m looking for a breakout back to $95, but I’ll gladly short this double-top reversal with a good signal!!

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