Category Archives for "Nightly Newsletter"

February 13, 2023

These CPI TRAPS Could Be the BIGGEST Trades of the Week!

CPI tomorrow, let’s do this!!

Markets are bullish ahead of tomorrow’s CPI report, and everyone’s looking for pullbacks…

But have you seen the bigger picture lately? The higher timeframe charts tell us these (2) traps are likely where the BIG MONEY will be made on Tuesday!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish with strong runs higher today – it’s tempting to get aggressive with moves like these, but I’ll be waiting for these (2) traps instead!

Crude Oil is bullish into a range – I’ll be watching for (3) breakout patterns tomorrow, but let’s hope we get one of these bear traps first!

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February 9, 2023

This PERFECT PULLBACK Could Be an EASY 15X on Friday!

One day left, let’s make it count!

Markets are bearish going into Friday, and I see (3) ways to pick the PERFECT PULLBACK on Friday!

Wanna double the fun? Look for this Bear-Trap on the way higher too!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish with strong moves lower – I’m definitely watching these (3) pullback entries, but don’t forget the bear traps for the reversal!

Crude Oil is bullish with an explosive opportunity for the bulls, and I’d love to grab one of these (2) bear traps before it rips!!

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February 7, 2023

BULL TRAP BEWARE – This Head-Fake Pullback Might Be EASY MONEY Tomorrow!

The ‘Powell Pump’ is behind us… now what?

Everything’s bullish going into Wednesday, but make sure you watch tonight’s video before you buy the next pullback – it smells like a trap!!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish with strong moves higher – strong moves suggest another leg higher, but something smells fish on these charts…

Crude Oil is bullish as well, and I’d love to grab some “bear traps” off the low of today’s channel before the Inventory Report comes out tomorrow!

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February 6, 2023

This FAKE-OUT BREAKOUT Could Easily 10x Ahead of Powell on Tuesday!

This *FAKE-OUT BREAKOUT* Could Easily 10x Ahead of Powell on Tuesday!

Oh, you can smell the ‘traps’ coming tomorrow!

Markets are range-bound ahead of Powell’s speech tomorrow afternoon…

We’re bullish overall, and ranges act like magnets… telling us this ‘Fake-Out Breakout’ could be an easy 10x reversal tomorrow morning!!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish in ranges, but we’re sitting on major support in an overall bull market – perfect recipe for a bear trap ‘fake-out breakout’!

Crude Oil is bullish as price rotates off today’s low, but we’re at resistance above a range in an overall bear market – perfect cocktail for a bull trap reversal!

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February 2, 2023

This *PAYROLLS BEAR TRAP* Could Be EASIEST Trade of Week!!

One day left, let’s finish the week strong!

Markets are bullish and range-bound ahead of tomorrow’s Payroll Report…

Non-Farm Payrolls are known for “head fakes” around the open, so keep an eye out for these (3) BEAR TRAPS on the next big move lower!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish in ranges – it’s easy to make a case for another breakout leg higher, but remember what happened the last (2) days?

Crude Oil is bearish in a range, but this “rotation off the low” is giving buyers an amazing reversal signal – will they take advantage?

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February 1, 2023

This FOMC BREAKOUT Could Easily 15X Tomorrow!

‘Reaction’ Thursday Tomorrow – Let’s Go!

Everything’s bullish after today’s Fed Announcement, and big moves like these tell us to look for RANGES tomorrow…

Ranges are easy if you know how to trade them – the key is waiting for a breakout, then do the OPPOSITE of what your instincts tell you!

Emini and Nasdaq made big moves higher today – I can’t chase the market higher, so I’m waiting for “bear trap” pullbacks, and failed range breakouts!

Crude Oil is bearish into a range, but look closely and you’ll see why this ‘fake-out breakout’ BEAR TRAP is my favorite trade for Thursday!

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January 31, 2023

These FOMC PULLBACKS Could Be EASY MONEY on Wednesday!!

FOMC is tomorrow – Here’s the Plan!

Everything’s bullish going into FOMC tomorrow afternoon, and everyone’s looking for pullbacks before we retest last week’s highs…

Where’s the best entry? These (2) channels tell us where to look, and these (4) pullback setups will help you time the perfect entry!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish after today’s reversal – watch for ranges to develop overnight, and keep these (3) pullback setups on your radar!

Crude Oil is bullish too, but buyers are struggling – keep these (3) breakout patterns on your radar, and be ready for this bear trap as well!

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January 30, 2023

This 10X BULL TRAP Might Be BIGGEST Trade of the Week!

End of the month, let’s do this!!

Markets are bearish going into the end of January, and today’s *lazy trend* tells us this BULL TRAP could be one of the easiest 10X trades of the week!

Emini and Nasdaq are bearish, sitting on today’s low – I’d love to short a breakout-pullback going lower, but I’ll gladly take this BULL TRAP bounce too!

Crude Oil is bearish, sitting at the low of a wide bear channel – earnings tomorrow could easily give us a reversal, but I’ll be looking for BULL TRAPS if they fail!

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January 26, 2023

RUN THE STOPS!! These (2) BEAR TRAPS Could Be EASY MONEY on Friday!

One day left, let’s finish it strong!

Everything’s bullish going into Friday, and we have (2) big reasons why *running stops* with bear traps will be the key to making the easy money tomorrow!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish with strong moves higher – I’m open to a breakout pullback, but using “stops as fuel” will likely be the easier money tomorrow!

Crude Oil is bullish into a range – I have (3) breakout setups I’m watching, but I hope we get this ‘fake-out breakout’ bear trap first!

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January 25, 2023


What a move, what a day!!

Markets are bullish and hunting for yesterday’s high…

It’s tempting to chase this rally higher, but I’ll be waiting for this PERFECT PULLBACK because it could be an easy 10x tomorrow morning!

Emini and Nasdaq are bullish after today’s massive reversal – I have (3) Breakout setups to watch for, but let’s hope we get one of these pullbacks first!

Crude Oil is range-bound ahead of major energy earnings tomorrow – I have some easy breakouts on my radar, but let’s hope we get this bear trap instead!

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