Market Spikes Higher; Should I Trade It, Or Fade It?

Looking forward to Wednesday’s trading session, we finished today with all markets closing firmly in the green with strong bull spikes into the closing bell…
The strength into the close is a big clue for tomorrow, suggesting there’s more of a rally baked-into these markets ahead of Friday’s Non-Farm Payroll report…
But look closely; you’ll see ONE of our favorite markets doesn’t seem as confident as the others, prompting me to wonder… should I trade it, or fade it? Let’s get started…
Emini S&P Needs to Trap in Some Sellers Here…
E-Mini S&P is bullish and finished today’s session at the highs of an expanding triangle (range). The strength of this rally is quite convincing, but I’m going to need to see sellers try and fail before I can confidently buy these highs…

Crude Oil Buyers Appear to be “Boxed In” at the High…
Crude Oil is bullish with a strong run higher in the wake of a new hurricane off the east coast of the US. It’s tempting to buy this next pullback, but look closely and you’ll see buyers have managed to “box themselves in” – I’m looking to fade it instead…

Gold Spikes Higher – Watch Four Specific Setups…
Gold is bullish with a runaway move to finish today’s session; strong spikes like these usually end up giving us one of four reliable setups, and I want to make sure you know how/where to find them…