Failed Breakouts; Time Your Entry Like a Pro

I’m tracking a lot of great trading opportunities for tomorrow, and with lots of sideways ranges this week, my focus is trading those failed breakouts…
Oil Buyers Looking for a Failed Range Breakout…
Crude Oil is just below today’s range, which means buyers are looking for this failed breakout to snap back up to the highs ahead of the OPEC announcement tomorrow…

E-Mini S&P Looks Strong, But Look Where They Finished the Run…
Emini’s ran higher this afternoon, and since we’re so high on this chart, I’m expecting a range up here, and will be looking to buy failed breakouts going lower…

Gold Buyers Keep Buying the Dips…
And Gold is still trading sideways within the same range from yesterday, so I’m still looking to pick the bottoms of this range using seller-failures around a key battle-zone we identified in tonight’s newsletter…