Before You Buy Tomorrow – Watch These Levels

It was a wild day in the markets today…
Eminis and Gold were bullish all day, riding high on anticipation of more stimulus coming from a new President in the US.
Crude Oil, on the other hand, failed to retest the weekly highs and rolled-over for a strong reversal for the bears…
There are lots of reliable setups coming tomorrow…
I’d love to buy a deep pullback down around 3824 on the Emini, but I’ll need to stay patient so I don’t get caught by the bears…
I’m waiting for confirmation on Gold to see if this is a spike & channel or a range, then I’ll know exactly where to look for the entry, and which setup to use…
And for Crude Oil, this 123-Reversal off the today’s high tells me to short the pops on the way back down to the range from earlier this week. The only question is, how strong will they be?
I’ll show you all the details in tonight’s video. Are you ready? Let’s go!
E-Mini Keys to Success:
- Strong Run Higher for the Bulls, goes through the measured-move
- Bulls want to buy the pullback, either below a new range, or the low of the channel.
- Bears Want to trade a reversal back into the range from last week.
Best Setups for Tomorrow:
- [UP] – 2-try trap to buy high (or) crown reversal to short
- [DOWN] – Nested Failure to Buy (or) crown reversal / 123-Reversal to sell
- [SIDEWAYS] – find the range, focus on seller failures below the range

Crude Oil Keys to Success:
- Market spiked higher, then crown reversal & 123-Reversal
- Bears Want to short the next pop or ride momentum lower.
- Bulls Want to retest the highs and hold control (not easy!)
Best Setups for Tomorrow:
- [UP] – Buyer failure off channel high to sell (or) bull spike with trap to buy
- [DOWN] – 2-Try Trap / 123-breakout to sell (or) crown reversal to buy
- [SIDEWAYS] – sit on hands, wait to sell the pop or bear breakout

Gold Keys to Success:
- Wild Session finishes with spike and channel (maybe trading-range)
- Bulls Want to buy pullbacks and traps on the way to measured-move
- Bears Want to sell with crown reversals and 123-Reversals
Best Setups for Tomorrow:
- [UP] – Seller failure off bull channel lows (or) crown reversal to sell
- [DOWN] – Nested Seller failure to buy (or) 123-Reversal to sell
- [SIDEWAYS] – sit on hands, buy low, sell high with failures.