July 30, 2014

Automated Trading Strategy Review – Gold Futures

Gold Auto Trader

Gold has been quite sideways overall rotating between the highs and lows over and over a few times now. The nice thing about this rotation is that it is going fairly quick in movement allowing the TREND Auto Trader to take some solid trades!

Overall the TREND Auto Trader banked us a nice profit this past week of $280 in what is traditionally a very difficult week for a trending strategy!

Gold Performance

Gold had a fairly solid week overall banking a tidy profit of $280 for us in a typically difficult week of trading. We only had 1 trade fire off which was a winner and because of that, our stats will be a bit off as there aren’t any losers to compare against.

The largest and average winning trade came in at $280 while the largest and average losing trade was all the way back at our favorite loss amount of $0! This gives us a reward vs. risk average of 280.00 and a total profit factor of a gorgeous 99.00.

We are seeing an average of 1.00 trades per day but they are going quickly with a hold time of only 90.0 minutes.

Gold Executions

Gold had 1 trade this past week for a commission cost of $5 with multiple contracts. Along with that, the one trade was a winner for a trade accuracy of 100%!

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