August 25, 2014

Automated Trading Strategy Review – Crude Oil Futures

Crude Auto Trader

Crude Oil has had another fantastic with with the TREND Auto Trader with prices on Crude Oil moving in a VERY trendy fashion. This movement has allowed us to bank a hefty profit this past week of $3,190 on some very strong stats!

These types of weeks are always quite strong in terms of the returns we see and this shows the power of the TREND Auto Trader!

Crude Performance

Crude Oil has had a great week overall banking us a profit of $3,190 on very strong stats this week!

We have our largest winning trade coming in at $2,240 while the largest losing trade was all the way back at $330. We also have our average trades coming in high with the winners at $621.67 and losers at $180. This gives us a reward vs. risk average of 3.45 and a total profit factor of 6.91!

We are seeing an average of 1.13 trades per day while hold times stay quite the same at 143.3 minutes on average.

Crude Exectuions

Crude Oil took a total of 9 trades and with multiple contract commission we have a cost of $155 coming back.

We have 6 of the 9 trades as winners leaving the last 3 as losers for a total trade accuracy for the week of 66.67% wrapping up a nice and profitable week for us!

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