Automated Trading Strategies and Software Review

It’s about that time of the week, let’s review the automated trading system results for the week as well as our long term results.
Its no surprise this was a tough week for ALL the markets, no matter what you were trading, but lets not forget the big picture…long term results.
There were no trades this week on the e-mini Russell, so nothing to report from last week.
Crude Oil Futures
We took 7 trades this week on crude oil, and as you can see we certainly had a rough week. Most markets got chopped up this week, and this is what happens sometimes.
Lets not forget our goals…$1500/mo/contract…so lets look at our long term results.
As you can see, our results are still amazing. Earning an average of $4306 per month per contract.
We took a bunch of losses this week, but we are still way ahead of the game. Our stops are so tight, and our targets so wide.
I can EASILY deal with this every few months, we earn so much in the good times, the bad times just don’t make that much of a dent in our profits.
Very exciting to see our auto trader hold up so well in such tough markets!
Gold Futures
Gold took 7 trades this week, and much of the same as Crude Oil, lots of losses. We hate to see losses, but at the same time we understand this will happen sometimes.
The key is….look at the long term results this auto trader achieves through some of the hardest times of the year.
Gold earned $9180 over the past 3 months, an average of $3,060 per month per contract. My goal with this auto trader is $1500/mo/contract.
So we took a WEEK of losses and STILL earned our averages. Love it. This is the hardest time of year BY FAR, so this is VERY EXCITING.
Euro Futures
The Euro Futures took 6 trades this week, and again, many losing trades. This is ok, losses are going to happen, but we look for the long term results to be concerned with.
The Euro has been the worst performer over the past 90 days. We earned $3125 over the past 90 days, with a monthly average of $1,041 per month per contract, which is slightly below average.
Good news, this is the worst/hardest time of the year to trade, and its over. May is right around the corner and we expect these ratios to even off.
We will also be adding some new filters on the Euro, we are in the process of testing those as I write this.
As always, our auto trader makes money in any market you chose, it can be used any way you wish, and we will do more training on this next week with our members.