Ninja Trader Tips & Tricks

Ninja Trader 7 is the best trading platform for intra-day traders, and this section is dedicated to teaching our readers how to get the most from their charting and execution software with these simple tips and tricks.

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Market Replay for Day Trading Practice

I am always looking for ways to help new students practice their trading when it’s easy and convenient for them.  With full-time jobs, kids out of school, and other daily commitments keeping us busy during the week, I was looking for the easiest way to record the market and watch it again when it was convenient for me.

Here’s an easy way to record the market on your Ninja Trader 7 platform and then transferring that data onto another computer, such as a laptop, on your way to swimming lessons with the kids, or the office on Monday morning.

This process can be broken into 4 steps:

Step 1:  Download the replay data using Ninja Trader 7 inside the control center.  Select File / Utilities / Download Replay Data.  You will want to select the Symbol of the market you wish to download, including the date.  Please be aware that you can only download 1 day of data at a time, so if you want to replay a week of data you will need to record 5 days using this tool.  You will be notified when the download is complete.

Step 2:  Connect to the Market Replay connection with Ninja Trader.  You will need to disconnect to the market before you connect to the Market Replay connection.  Once you are connected, open a new chart by selecting File / New / Chart.  Be sure to select the same market symbol you recorded your data for, and load the new chart.

Step 3:  Chose the market and the date you wish to replay on your new chart.  You can check to make sure you have the market data available, or skip to a specific location in time on any market you have data recorded-for by simply right-clicking on the replay window, as shown here.

Step 4:  Watch as the chart loads the specific market symbol for the specific date you selected.  Now just press the Play button to play at normal speed.  Notice you can ‘pause’ and ‘fast forward’ to control the speed at which the data is replayed on your chart.

Practice Tip:  I always suggest new traders practice re-trading the market each day when they finish trading on the real-time price action.  This is very effective at giving you some review time of the patterns you saw (or missed) today, and will usually spark a few ‘ah-hah’ moments along the way.

Another way to use market replay for practice is to use it when the real-time markets are very slow and low-volume, such as on a Holiday weekend, or off-times of the day.  Rather than sitting and falling asleep at your computer, why not learn something by choosing a random day of the week and trading it like it was today.  We are always looking for ways to improve our anticipation of the next trade and reaction times.

I hope these ideas will help get you prepared to join us tomorrow in the  trade room!

Advanced Market Replay Trick:  Transfer this market-replay data to another computer, such as a laptop.  This is very easy to use with a laptop when going on vacation, or just living a busy lifestyle.

Once you have your market-replay data downloaded to your computer, you can find it inside the Ninja Trader 7 Folder on your computer.

Go to My Documents / Ninja Trader 7 / DB / Data Folder.

Inside the ‘data folder’ you will see sub-folders with the specific date of the market-replay data.  All you need to do is copy any of those sub-folders, add them to a thumb-drive (I like to upload them to Google Drive) and then make sure you paste these files in the SAME FOLDER on your laptop.

You should easily be able to move your record market replay data from any computer to another computer without much time invested at all.  Enjoy!


Indicators & Candlesticks; Changing the Z-Order adjusts which is on top of the other:
You can determine if lines and other chart objects are drawn on top or behind price bars and other objects by using the Z-order. You may change the z-order (paint order) of all chart objects within each individual panel.

To adjust the z-order:
   1. Select the chart object by left clicking on it (you will now see small black squares on the object)
   2. Hold down the “Shift” key on your keyboard and roll the mouse scroll wheel to change the z-order of    the object. The current position out of the total number of levels in the z-scale will be displayed.

The following link will direct you to the portion of the NinjaTrader Help Guide for additional information.
Here is a link to our Video Help Guide that goes over z-order.


Create Custom Sound Alerts with this website:
Once you have created the sound file you want to use, save it to your desktop, and then move it into the correct folder on your computer.
Save the file here:   My Computer / Local disc (C:) Program Files (x86) / NinjaTrader 7 / Sounds
Then add this new sound file to any indicator within NT Charts that has the ability to use a sound file.

Custom NinjaScript Files on your PC have programming errors

Custom NinjaScript Files on your PC have programming errors
Here is the response we received directly from the wonderful folks at NT Support.
Please follow the instructions below to see where the errors are coming from after compiling the indicator. This will allow you to debug the indicator/strategy or remove it from your PC. If you are wondering why you receive an error when compiling only one indicator, it is because NinjaTrader compiles all indicators and strategies- not just one.
  • Open NinjaTrader
  • From the Control Center select the Tools menu–> select the Edit NinjaScript menu item–> select Indicator
  • Select an indicator and double click on it.
  • A new window will appear and you will need to right click in the window and select Compile to compile the indicators.
  • At the bottom of the window a new section will appear were you can find the error locations.
Please let me know the file and location of the file that is the source of the issue and then I can follow-up based on the precise steps to resolve this issue without a full uninstall.
Ryan Olson
NinjaTrader Customer Service
How to use the Advanced Features of the Trading DOM

Click here to watch this video tutorial