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Day Trading Computer Properties; Minimum and Most Effective

When it comes to buying a new day trading computer there are lots of options to consider.
Here is what I am using at this time for my trading computer.
Feel free to use either the AMD or the Intel processor, just be aware they AMD processors do operate a little WARMER, so if you are in a hot climate you would be better to use Intel.
What you need:
- Fastest Processor you can afford (dont buy the MOST expensive, shoot for the 2nd best to save money and get almost the same performance.
- Most amount of RAM will be 8 gigs these days. You can get away with half of that EASILY.
- Best Video cards will help process your charts without jammign and crashing on you, and they will not overheat after prolonged use. Buy the 2nd best video cards, and you dont need to spend much, good video cards cost less than $200, much cheaper than they used to be.
- 64-Bit Operating systems are very common now, and they almost DOUBLE your access to RAM when you need it the most. I would highly recommed this over a 32-bit OS.
What you DONT need:
- Large hard drives are only needed for editing videos, and doing things that require the cpu to store large amounts of data…not needed for processing charts, so save the money here and use an external hard drive if you have more stuff to keep on your cpu hard rive.
- Large, fancy monitors are expensive and they usually are not worth the added costs. Stick with 24″ or smaller, and remember to look for the ‘Energy Star’ logo to ensure they will cost a lot less to run all day long, and wont give off so much heat.
We review this information in our trade room almost weekly, so bring questions with you and see you there!