May 13, 2013

Euro & Swissy Currency Futures

Euro Anchor Chart

The euro
looks like a carbon copy of the Dollar-Index except completely the
opposite.  We have the Dollar-Index rising
with a short term sideways-trading-range and we see the euro is falling with
another sideways-trading-range.  This
tells us that when we see new higher-highs on the Dollar-Index we will see new lower-lows
on the Euro and we will then look for selling opportunities using our entry
timeframe and the Entry-Trigger Indicator.

Swiss Franc Entry Chart
The Swissy
is trading in an almost-sideways bullish price-channel which is the opposite of
the euro and throws a lot of concerns into the market personality right now because
most currencies will trade together (for the most part) and these are NOT. 
The Aussie
Dollar is trading in a bearish price-channel which again is the opposite of the
Swissy and throws a lot of concerns into the mix this morning with these
currencies trading in different directions.


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