May 13, 2014

Automated Trading Strategy Review – Gold Futures

Gold Auto Trader

Gold has been trending down overall on the past weeks price action but the bearish trend has been met with some nice choppiness for the FLEX Auto Trader to really bank on with its trades! This choppy price action after the moves have allowed enough room for the FLEX to get in and out of its trades before the trend continued which allowed us to bank a solid profit this past week of $400!

Gold Performance

Gold had a very nice trading week given the price action for a profitable week of $400! We had our largest winning trade sitting at $320 as well as the largest losing trade of the same at $320. Along with this, we had our average winning trade come in at $240 while the average losing trade was down at $320. Not the stats that we want to see normally, but our accuracy made up for it! We had our average reward vs. risk this week at .75 but the overall profit factor at a gorgeous 2.25! We are seeing a bit less trading because of the trendiness but are still taking an average of .57 per day. The big point is we are holding for 175.7 minutes on average letting those winners go to fill the targets!

Gold Executions

Gold took a total of 4 trades this past week for a commission total with one contract of $20. We have 3 of the 4 trades come in as winners and the last 1 as a loser for a trade accuracy of a gorgeous 75%!

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