May 21, 2014

Automated Trading Strategy Review – Crude Oil Futures

Crude Auto Trader

Crude Oil has been quite sideways over the past week on its intra-day moves. We consistently make new highs and new lows back and forth and keep switching sides. This is the PERFECT environment for the FLEX Auto Trader to trade in allowing it to take several nice trades back and forth for a solid trading week bringing in a nice profit of $200 overall!

Crude Performance

Crude Oil had a pretty good week last week with price action been quite choppy back and forth. This market condition allowed us to bank a solid $200! We had our largest winning trade come in at $200 while the largest losing trade was back at $150. Along with this, our average trades came in at the same of $200 and $150 wins and losses respectively. This gives us a reward vs. risk average of 1.33 and a total profit factor of 1.33 as well! We are seeing more trades than normal at 1.14 per day on average but they are firing off in about the normal time frame of 102.8 minutes holding time average. Overall, a very nice week of trading on Crude Oil!

Crude Executions

Crude Oil took a total of 8 trades this past week for a commission total of $40 per contract traded. We had 4 of the 8 trades come in as winning trades while the other 4 were losing trades. This gives us a trade accuracy total of 50%. Couple a 50% accuracy with a nice reward vs. risk of 1.33 on average and you have yourself a pretty good week!

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