August 7, 2014

Automated Trading Strategy Review – Euro Currency Futures

Euro Auto Trader

The Euro has been having a crazy few weeks going all over the place and making some VERY large ranges in the overnight while pushing aggressively lower each day.

The FLEX Auto Trader had a fairly good week regardless of how trendy this past week was allowing it to bank a nice $312.50 overall on a solid week of trading!

Euro Performance

The Euro had a great week in total bringing us in a profit of $312.50 on what would be considered a difficult trading week for the FLEX!

We have our largest winning trade coming in at $512.50 while the largest losing trade is all the way back at $125.00. Our average winning trades are coming in at $281.25 with the average losing trades still at $125.00. This gives us a reward vs. risk average of 2.25 and a total profit factor of the same at 2.25.

We are seeing an average of .57 trades per day which is quite a bit slower but the hold times have gone up to 157.3 minutes kind of evening it out.

Euro Executions

The Euro took a total of 4 trades giving us a commission total cost of $20 per contract traded. We had 2 come in as winners and the other 2 as losers for a total trade accuracy of 50%.

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