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2 day trades setting up right now….are you watching these with us?

im seeing a 2-step long entry for this market on a slow, 21-range chart.
i will get long above 76.00, so look above 76.05 for the entry to get out of the slop around the big round number.
I will take 1/2 of my position off @ 76.20, and then look to take the final 2 1/4 off this trade at 40 and 55 to complete the move back up to the previous low of day and the open today.
we can see the aussie dollar is in a very familiar position….trading at its lows after a monster drop in price.
im looking to get long above 8474, with my first target @ 87 to take 1/2 my position off the trade.
I will then take the final 2 targets, 1/4 off for each, at 14 and 45 to get us all the way up into the previous day’s open of the day.
the key here will be getting above the consolidation around 8500. I like that we will take profit BEFORE we have to work hard to get above the big round number, so our trade will be protected, and if we can get above 8514 we have clear skies above to fullfill our mission on this trade.
watch your rules for your entries, and remember these are 21-range charts, so you need to follow the slower chart trade management strategies.
keep working hard out there members, congrats on the money you made already today, and good luck this afternoon.
I will keep you al updated on these trades as we move through the afternoon session, and I will be ready to review these with you in members training on wednesday.